Sustainable Investment Platform

Challenge 04
Create a platform for investments that only features companies committed to sustainability and social responsibility. Include an intuitive, user-friendly interface and tools to track the impact of their investments.

Design a platform for investments, named "EcoInvest," that exclusively showcases companies dedicated to sustainability and social responsibility. EcoInvest aims to empower users to make ethical investment choices while contributing to a greener and socially conscious future.


Limited Investment Options: Users struggle to find a diverse range of investment opportunities on EcoInvest, as it predominantly features eco-friendly startups and socially responsible companies, limiting their portfolio diversity.

Lack of Educational Resources: Users express frustration with the absence of comprehensive educational materials on sustainable investing within the app, making it challenging for them to make informed decisions.

Complex Sustainability Metrics: Investors find it difficult to interpret the sustainability metrics and data provided for each company on the platform, making it hard to assess a company's true impact and commitment to environmental and social causes.

High Entry Barrier: Some potential users are deterred from using EcoInvest due to high initial investment requirements or fees, which exclude those with limited financial resources from participating in sustainable investing.

Insufficient Community Engagement: Users feel disconnected from the community and express the need for features that facilitate discussions and knowledge sharing among like-minded investors.


Diverse Investment Offerings: Ensure EcoInvest offers a balanced mix of investment options, including both established and emerging sustainable companies, to cater to a broader range of investors.

Educational Content Integration: Incorporate easily accessible educational resources, such as articles, videos, and webinars, to empower users with the knowledge needed to make informed investment decisions.

User-Friendly Sustainability Metrics: Develop clear and user-friendly sustainability metrics that provide users with straightforward insights into a company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Research Sources:

  • App Store: Investigate similar investment platforms and apps to identify their strengths and weaknesses in user experience and feature offerings.
  • Reddit: Explore subreddits related to sustainable investing and gather insights from discussions and user feedback.
  • Online Forums: Participate in or observe discussions on dedicated investment forums and communities to understand the challenges users face and their preferences in sustainable investment platforms.

Discover: In this stage, you gather as much information as possible about the problem, asking questions and researching. You want to understand the problem from different perspectives and identify what needs to be solved.

Define: Once you have a good understanding of the problem, you narrow down your focus and define it clearly. You identify the specific aspects that need to be addressed and set goals for your solution.

Develop: Now, you start generating ideas and exploring different possibilities. You brainstorm, sketch, prototype, and experiment to come up with creative solutions. The goal is to generate a wide range of options without judging them.

Deliver: In this final stage of the first diamond, you select the best solution or a set of solutions based on evaluation and testing. You refine and develop your chosen solution further, considering feasibility, desirability, and viability.

After completing the first diamond, you move on to the second diamond, which represents the second half of the process. It focuses on implementation and bringing the chosen solution to life.

Deliver: This stage involves planning and organizing the resources needed to implement the solution effectively. You create a roadmap or an action plan to guide the execution.

Develop: Now, you actually start building or developing the solution. This may involve coding, designing, manufacturing, or any other necessary steps depending on the nature of the problem.

Define: Once the solution is developed, you evaluate and refine it. You make sure it meets the initial goals and requirements, and you address any issues or shortcomings.

Deploy: Finally, you launch or deploy the solution in the real world. You monitor its performance, gather feedback, and make any necessary adjustments or improvements.

The double-diamond framework emphasizes the importance of exploration and iteration. It helps you understand the problem deeply, generate diverse solutions, and ensure that the chosen solution is well-implemented and effective.