7 Aug, 2023

8 Core UX Design Principles That Every Designer Should Follow

8 Core UX Design Principles

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Denislav Jeliazkov
Founder @uilearn

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Creating exceptional user experiences is the cornerstone of successful UX design. It involves blending psychology, design, and technology to enhance user satisfaction and usability.

While UX design encompasses various methodologies and techniques, there are essential principles that guide designers in their work. 

Today, we will explore some core UX design principles that shape designers’ approaches.

1. User-Centricity 


User-centricity is, without-a-doubt one of the most fundamental principles in UX design. User needs and preferences are at the forefront of the design process.

Designers put a lot of thought into creating experiences that are genuinely satisfying and intuitive for their target audience. 

This process also involves research on things, such as user interviews and testing, to try and better understand user behavior and preferences. 

Designers strive to ensure usability, accessibility, and aesthetics align with user expectations, iteratively refining their designs based on user feedback.

The principle of user-centricity empowers designers to empathize with users, address their needs effectively, and create engaging products that foster long-lasting satisfaction.

2. Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Usability testing is a critical practice in UX design that involves observing and gathering feedback from real users as they interact with a digital product or interface.

Observing users’ actions, behaviors, and feedback allows designers to identify usability issues and areas for improvement.

Participants are given specific tasks to perform during usability testing. Their interactions are recorded and analyzed. This process helps provide insights into how users navigate the product, their challenges, and their perception of the user experience.

The benefits of usability testing are numerous. It helps uncover usability issues that may hinder user satisfaction or task completion.

By identifying these issues early on, designers can make informed design decisions and improve prototypes to enhance usability.

Usability testing also validates design choices, ensuring the product meets user expectations and goals. It helps assess the effectiveness of navigation, layout, and interactions, contributing to a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Additionally, usability testing bridges the gap between designers and users, bringing valuable perspectives and insights. By involving users directly, designers gain empathy and create designs that align better with user needs and preferences.

3. Accessibility Testing

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is another vital principle that ensures equal access and usability for all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It involves evaluating the product’s design and functionality to identify barriers that may hinder individuals with disabilities from effectively using it.

Accessibility testing involves various techniques such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, color contrast analysis, and alternative text verification. 

By conducting thorough accessibility testing, designers can make informed decisions and implement necessary modifications to create inclusive and user-friendly experiences for everyone. It is vital in promoting digital inclusivity and ensuring every user is included.

4. Consistency


Following the principle of consistency in UX design creates a smooth and predictable user experience. It involves keeping elements consistent throughout a product, such as visual design, interaction patterns, terminology, and layout.

This uniformity helps users navigate and interact with the product more intuitively, reducing cognitive load. 

When elements are consistent, users can develop mental models and expectations, making learning and using the product easier. 

Consistency also contributes to brand identity, trust, and credibility. By following consistent design principles, designers can craft a cohesive and seamless user experience that improves usability and user satisfaction.

5. Visual Hierarchy 

Visual Hierarchy 

Visual hierarchy is another key principle in UX design that organizes and prioritizes information to guide users. It structures content and elements to communicate their importance and relationships.

A clear hierarchy helps users navigate and find what they need. Visual cues like size, color, and typography can highlight important elements.

Content is organized based on relevance, with important information prominently displayed. Secondary and tertiary information is presented more subtly.

Hierarchy establishes visual relationships and groups related elements together. It aids comprehension and helps users understand connections between components. 

6. User Control

User Control

User control is a principle in UX design that focuses solely on helping users navigate and interact with digital products and services. It involves clear interfaces, customization options, and informed decision-making. 

By prioritizing user needs, designers can enhance usability and satisfaction. User control promotes a sense of ownership and autonomy, allowing individuals to personalize their interactions.

This fosters trust, reduces frustration, and leads to engaging and enjoyable user experiences.

7. Achieving the Right Balance

Achieving the Right Balance

Providing the right control with balance can allow users to navigate and interact with digital interfaces according to their preferences and goals.

Achieving the right balance is key; insufficient control can frustrate users, while excessive control can confuse them.

Designers should focus on the key principle of balance for intuitive and customizable features that empower users to feel a sense of ownership and agency over their experience.

Clear navigation, adjustable settings, and contextual cues aid users in effortlessly exploring and manipulating the interface, fostering a feeling of empowerment and ultimately improving user satisfaction.

8. Follow the UX Design Patterns

Follow the UX Design Patterns

As a UX designer, you must emphasize the importance of consistency and familiarity in creating user-friendly interfaces. 

UX design patterns refer to established solutions for common design problems that have been proven to work effectively. 

Consistent use of patterns also helps users navigate and interact with digital products or websites more easily, reducing the learning curve and enhancing overall usability.

Implementing the core principle of UX design patterns improves user satisfaction and streamlines the design process by providing pre-tested solutions. 

However, designers must balance familiarity with innovation, ensuring that patterns are adapted appropriately to meet each project’s specific needs and goals.

Master in Core UX Design Principles With UI Learn

Whether you’re a UX professional or a beginner, these eight core UX design principles will help establish a solid foundation for designing remarkable user experiences.

By considering these UX design principles, you’ll create enjoyable products that users love.

Enhance your design skills for ultimate user satisfaction by getting priority access to enrollment at UI Learn, where you can understand and embrace these principles to develop intuitive, engaging, and user-centric digital products. 

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